Crime in Liverpool Presentation


Within the Creativity and Concept Development module there was a task allocated for everyone within the lecture to come up with a variety of ideas for a short film to be made in Liverpool. Once those ideas were stuck to the walls within the room, everyone within the lecture had to pick two ideas which they thought would be an inspiring idea to create a film.

Subsequently we then shared our chosen ideas in groups to then ultimately come up with a final idea between the groups. Our chosen idea was "Crime in Liverpool". Although, this idea was slightly too broad as there are many different areas this can be looked at for example; Government views and statistics, hatred towards the police, why people commit crimes, societies views and punishments of crime.

We discussed all the different concepts which "Crime in Liverpool" is associated with however the concept we chosen was a punishment of crime, "Tagging". Now that we have our concept our task was to research tagging which would enhance our film idea to be able to pitch within our lecture.

We used Google Maps to be able to identify the areas of crime within Liverpool whilst what type of crime usually takes place. Furthermore we collected all the data from April- September 2012, along with creating a bar chart to display this information. Ultimately we then created a booklet to give the audience when pitching our idea.

The bar chart displayed that the most common crime within Liverpool is anti-social behaviour, which we examined that this might be because the punishment of this is "Tag".

We also interviewed people about their thoughts of tagging, whilst whether they think it is an effective punishment too.
This information is on the Prezi which we used to relate back to during our pitch.

By interviewing a few people about their thoughts this gave our group a more specific concept that people seem to think that tagging is an easy punishment as it does not seem to work. Furthermore after doing a variety of research we thought that within our film we would include;
- A personal profile of a victim who has been on tag (in Liverpool)
- Why was he put on tag?
- Quick summary of "Crime in Liverpool" (maps/statistics)
- Did tagging work for the victim?
- Do we think there should be a different punishment other than tagging?

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