Time to talk...



After mentioning the book "Convergence Culture"- whilst explaining that we had to create a Wiki which will provide information for others to be able to use in order to complete an essay question; myself and my team members then had to present our Wiki in our media lecture to the other media students. Due to doing extra research about "Convergence Culture"- we added the vital information which would answer the essay question "Discuss what is meant by, Transmedia storytelling, you should find some examples". Collectively within our team all members added a variety of information, resources as well as Youtube videos and images to be able to answer the question effectively. 

Personally I enjoyed researching about the book as it created a discussion with the reader; for instance George Gilder stating  "the computer had come not to transform mass culture but to destroy it"- I thought this quotation made me think deeper into whether the computer is so extroadanary or is it destorying mass culture? For instance I know myself if I want to know something I will search the internet to find it, therefore the computer is simply one big brain... yet is this information as trustworthy as a book? As Wikipedia, anyone can collectively add information to what "they" think something means. If you have missed an episode of X Factor, you can easily  watch it online... does this take away the experience of watching it with family and friends making media more personal? Do you appreciate media as much, because you know you can watch it online? Initally if you were not there at the point of time of screening you will ultimately have missed that episode, therefore does this make you more loyal to the television show because you know you must be there at a specific time to watch it?

Henry Jenkin's basically questions the different platforms of viewing media whilst whether they are effective. There is more information on our Wiki page: www.convergence-culture.wikia.com

The video clip from Youtube is The Guardian's television advert, it shows the different types of medium platforms which they use in order to publish news to consumers. Along with this, it portrays that consumers are playing the roles of producers for example posting tweets on Twitter, uploading videos on Youtube- media is becoming accessible everywhere. 

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