Making objects come to life...


Stop-frame Animation

Currently myself and members of my team are in the process of creating a stop-frame animation, before beginning this process we had to collectively come up with ideas which we think would be appropriate for the project. Meanwhile we also did further research to review what ideas are already out in the media, and perhaps what we could make or do differently. The outcome will involve making a  physical object appear to move on its own; in order to do this we had to take a variety of camera shots which we will then edit on Adobe Photoshop. 

I thought that this stop-frame animation video uploaded on Youtube was inspiring, however I can image it took a lot of time and patience.  Youtube Link:

Initially we came up with the concept of coloured white-board pens, yet we elaborated coming up with a variety of ideas to narrow this concept. Meanwhile we concluded with the idea of drawing a picture using the white-board pens, however the objects which we were drawing would metaphorically come to life through the use of stop-frame animation. Ultimately this was a time consuming process as we decided to portray the growing process of a flower along with it interacting with another flower too. Due to taking a variety of images we wanted to make sure the continuity flowed, therefore we used a tripod to get the correct height and balance for each shot. 

Subsequently we are now in the process of putting the images together using Adobe Photoshop, to form a stop-frame animation, furthermore we will also use the software to perhaps change the lighting, positioning or contrast of the images if necessary.

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